These all-condition, all-purpose tarps are perfect anytime you need protection from the sun or rain. Compact packing size and lightweight fabric make these the ideal tarps for any backpacking, group camping or water sports trip. Numerous guy points and special catenary cuts ensure a taut pitch. * Ripstop polyester 75 D – 210T with 2,000 mm polyurethane waterproof coating
* UV resistant treatment to help protect the fabric against damaging UV rays
* Fully seam taped construction
* Light weight and highly versatile
* Perfect for a day or overnight use
* Silver coating reduces heat from the sun
* Inner loop for hanging lantern or clothes line
* Weight: 1,400 g (3.1 lb.)
More Information
SKU: 21-074010001
Colour Description: BLUE/SILVER
Length: 12 x 14
Product Code: 11036
Barcode: 774552110363